Can MIT afford free menstrual products??? Sounds expensive!!!

they can!! and no, insomia cookies won't be canceled

Posted by Hatty Wang on December 22, 2019 · 2 mins read

Detailed financial analyses to come soon...

Conflict of interest?

Q: Will cool study breaks be less cool because now we are giving out tampons and pads for free?

A: No, not if the money for menstrual products come from the operations budget like toilet paper.

Q: Will tech twinkles be less lit because now we are giving out tampons and pads for free?

A: No, not if the money for menstrual products come from the operations budget like toilet paper.

Q: Will MIT win fewer Nobel Prizes because now we are giving out tampons and pads for free?

A: No, not if the money for menstrual products come from the operations budget like toilet paper.

Can MIT afford it?

Demo Image

I bought these 500 tampons for $70. MIT can buy significantly bigger quantities through wholesale channels for even cheaper. Economics of scale!