Voices & Actions!

Donate to existing locations

Please consider putting sealed menstrual products in the clear bags on the posters for other people or your future self!

Help refilling one location weekly

I've purchased a good amount of product and plan on refilling all locations weekly. Please let me know if you'd like to be given products so you could help fill one (or more) locoations.

Start a new location

Yes! Do it! Let me know so I can give you a shoutout and expand the list of locations on this website.

Expert opinion, personal story, French poetry...on this subject

Please send them over! I will make sure to publish as a blog post!

Be a part of the bigger movement

If you are interested in helping free menstrual products become a reality at MIT, please let me know. I'll make sure to include you on communications with various offices of the school. Together, we can help the school make incremental progress towards our goal.

If you are interested but unsure about what you might want to do...

How about starting conversations about menstruation and period poverty with your friends and with MIT faculty?